
Attendance Line: 303-326-1654

Attendance and Tardies


  • Parents or legal guardians should report absences by 9 AM on the day of the absence (303-326-1654).

  • Absences are EXCUSED for the following reasons: illness, injury, medical or dental appointments, family emergency, court or law enforcement authority, or school-sponsored activities.

  • Absences are UNEXCUSED if the parent/guardian was not aware of the absence, did not call to report the absence, or when the reason for absence did not meet school criteria.

  • Students with over four unexcused absences or excessive excused absences may be referred for intervention by administration, truancy specialists, and/or the Community Attendance Review Board (CARB).

  • Students with excessive excused absences may be required to provide medical documentation to verify the legitimacy of absences or to report to the Mrachek clinic before school for the same purpose.


  • Morning tardiness is EXCUSED for medical/dental appointments if the parent has notified the attendance clerk prior to the event or if the parent accompanies the student to the office following the appointment, or if a doctor’s note is provided.

  • Morning tardiness is UNEXCUSED in the following cases: student or parent oversleeps/alarm did not go off, student misses the bus, student stayed home to finish homework, study, or watch siblings, car problems.

  • A student who enters class more than half way through the instructional time is considered absent from that class rather than tardy.


  • Students who accumulate an excessive number of unexcused tardies and/or absences will be identified as truant and will receive a Letter of Concern regarding the problem.

  • Students with continuing attendance issues will be identified in Infinite Campus and documentation will be required for ANY tardy or absence. Documentation for illness must be a doctor’s note or a visit to the Mrachek clinic to validate the illness.

  • If the tardy/absence problem continues, students will be referred to CARB.