WiDA is an English Language Proficiency Assessment. In May 2012, the Colorado legislature provided the funding needed to proceed with the adoption of new English language proficiency exams to determine placement and instruction for our English Language Learners. For more information regarding the important of WIDA's ACCESS exam, please visit https://wida.wisc.edu/
ACCESS 2.0 for English Language Learners
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 an English Language Proficiency assessment given annually to Kindergarten through 12th graders who have been identified as English language learners (ELLs) in order to meet federal requirements for monitoring English Learners. Additionally, this assessment aligns to the Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards (CELP). Students in grades 1-12 who are classified as English language learners and have significant cognitive disabilities will participate in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.
Testing Window: 1/8/24 - 2/9/24
All students in grades 6-8 who have been identified as English learners are required to take ACCESS 2.0 as it meets the federal requirements for monitoring English learners and is aligned to the state of Colorado’s rigorous academic standards. ACCESS 2.0 is intended to assess social and academic English language development in the areas of listening, reading, writing and speaking.